Author: George Arnold

When I first became a patient of Dr. Arnold’s, just over one year ago at age 54, I was experiencing numerous symptoms that were negatively impacting my quality of life. Over the previous three years, my eyes were red and…

Let’s get right to it. Dryness. Burning. Itching. Not exactly what you want to live with. There are 2 categories of treatment available, you can treat the symptom or treat the cause. Most of the over-the-counter gels and moisturizers treat the symptom. This means…

My name is Sharon, I’m 52 years old, and like many women my age I’m currently going through menopause. Around 4 years ago, I realized I was not the same woman I used to be. Menopause was affecting my daily…

Dryness. Burning. Itching. You know. Down there! You have tried the over the counter stuff, but it isn’t helping. You’ve given up on sex altogether because it just hurts too much. You are not alone. The likelihood of suffering from…

As I mentioned last month, I attended the Spring Congress of the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine entitled: Brain Awakening. One of the sessions featured Dr. Joseph C. Maroon, Heindl Scholar and Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh…

In April, I attended the Spring Congress of the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine entitled: Brain Awakening. One of the sessions featured the American psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel G. Amen speaking on how to supercharge your brain, reverse memory loss and…

As I was preparing for a recent talk on hormones, I came across a rather startling statistic: the incidence of death from breast cancer.  Depending on which statistic you look at, mortality rates have either not changed at all over…

When Meredith* (name changed at patient’s request) first came to my office after a recommendation from her pharmacist, she hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in over two years. She was on several medications, but none were working. I soon…

I am often asked by patients when they should stop their hormone medications. Previously, it had been recommended on the traditional side to try to taper or stop hormone medication after being on them for 5 years. However, many women…

My name is Jo-Anne Binns, I’ll be 55 next week. I started taking bio identical hormones in my 40’s having peri-menopausal symptoms. I originally heard about these safe hormones via Oprah and Suzanne Somers raving about them in television interviews and subsequently…


Nowadays, it is also becoming more well-known that men go through their own version of menopause—for them, the midlife change is known as andropause. In andropause, men experience many of the same symptoms women in menopause feel: fatigue, depression, irritability,…

Estrogen Hormones

Everyone has heard of estrogen, and most people know it as a hormone that plays an important role in a woman’s body. More than just a hormone driving a woman’s romantic interests, estrogen has more than 400 different functions.

Estrogen Imbalances hormone therapies

Hormone replacement therapy is about returning balance to the hormones in your body. When your hormones are out of balance (particularly estrogen imbalances), you will develop a range of uncomfortable symptoms. But those symptoms, when left unattended, can sometimes be…

Estrogen | Dr. Arnold

If you are a woman entering or in menopause, you no doubt have been dealing with changing levels of the estrogens in your body. Well, welcome to what my patients, staff, and I affectionately call “The Best Me Club.”

Progesterone | Pregnancy

Often, if a woman is able to conceive, but has trouble carrying to term, it’s because of progesterone production. Progesterone is the main female reproductive system hormone and it plays a vital role in fetal development during pregnancy. It prepares…

On Sue’s first visit to Signature Hormones, her symptoms ranged from hot flashes, brain fog, and irritability to night sweats, decreased libido, and weight gain due to menopause.

Progesterone after birth hormone

Louise was 34 and pregnant with her second child when she came to visit me for relief from worsening depression. She had experienced mild postpartum depression (PPD) following her first delivery three years prior, but had taken no medication for…


Slowing down in later years is part of the aging process. But sometimes there’s another culprit behind the decline people feel—hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormone to keep your body operating at…

While the different “faces” of Estrogen may not be as dramatic or life-threatening as Joanne Woodward’s Academy Award winning portrayal in The Three Faces of Eve, the differing phases of estrogen in a women’s life present varying effects which can…

For something we all have and deal with daily, there’s a lot of misunderstanding around the topic of hormones. What are we talking about when we reference our hormones?

Hormones out of whack?

Dr. Arnold can help!

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